According to the difference of the objects, the model formed quota system and proportion system, in which three kinds of employees including senior manager, intermediate manager and primary employee were taking into account. 在该模型中根据被考评对象的不同,分别确定了适用于高层管理者、中层管理者和普通员工的三种指标权重体系。
In economies at an intermediate level of financial development, full capital account liberalization may actually destabilize the economy in short run. 而另一方面,在金融发展处于中间水平的情形下,外国直接投资的自由化则有利于开放经济的稳定。
Rigorous similarity solution of cavity expansion in soil taking the effect of intermediate principal stress into account 考虑中间主应力影响的土中孔扩张问题精确相似解
The characteristics of rock and the effect of intermediate principle stress on rock strength is taken into account. 这一准则既考虑岩石拉压强度相差较大的特点,又考虑了中间主应力效应及其区间性。
Those who don't have regular professional academic credentials account for 21.79% of the total number, and those who have not obtained the intermediate or higher professional titles account for 86.21%. 现有乡镇卫技人员中,无正规专业学历者占21.79%,未获得中级及以上专业技术职称者占86.21%。
With the development on the research of chiral chemical compound, application of chiral split technology on pharmacy and pharmic intermediate was taken into account progressively. 随着人们对手性化合物研究和认识的不断深入,手性拆分技术在医药、医药中间体中的应用正逐步为全世界医药卫生界所重视。
Therefore, so far as the research of strength of asphalt mixture is concerned, effect of intermediate principal stress should be taken into account. 因此,对沥青混合料强度研究而言,沥青混合料的中间主应力效应不可忽视。